Alina Sofia is a Psychic Medium that reads energy, channels information, & communicates with the dead.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A psychic is a person who uses extrasensory abilities to channel information. These abilities include clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairaudience (clear hearing) and claircognizance (clear knowing). As a psychic, I read and interpret energy and information.

    A medium is a person who facilitates communication between the living and the dead. As a medium I connect to my client’s dead loved ones, allowing them to speak about their life and death in their own words. I also work with spirits concerning paranormal activity.

  • My journey started with a lot of paranormal experiences, but it wasn’t until my first time meditating that I made a clear connection with the dead. At the time I was aware of the spiritual world (but didn’t know that I had a place in it) when a healer encouraged me to meditate for the first time. During this first meditation I was shown an old man’s face that I later figured out was my great grandfather! I found his photo weeks later in my parent’s home and put the pieces together. From there, I spent my time exploring my abilities and it didn’t take me long to realize that it was my calling to communicate with the dead and help them tell their stories.

  • The spirit guides are made up of a number of spirits that are assigned to us along our spiritual journey. Some spirit guides are with you your entire lifetime, some come and go, and others pop in only when needed or at certain times in your life! Each of us have a set of spirit guides that look out for us and are ready to help us whenever asked. These guides know you, love you, protect you, and push you in life.

    Often times people will ask who their spirit guides are but as stated before, they are ever changing and are a dynamic group that caters to you as needed. Your dead loved ones may serve as your spirit guides or even random spirits that you never knew can pop in to assist you. What is most important to know is that the divine guidance is there for you.

  • Your soul is the base of your existence, the core of your being. Your soul is present within you in each lifetime and it is the one constant factor of your individual existence. Your soul has lived every single lifetime with you.

    Your spirit is the personality of each lifetime or reincarnation. You are given a spirit in each lifetime and it represents every aspect of who you are in that lifetime. Therefore, when I do spirit readings, I am reaching out to that person’s overall soul but I am asking to speak to the “spirit” of a specific lifetime.

    Ex: The soul is like a book, and the spirit represents like each chapter that makes up the whole story of your existence. The overall theme (soul) of the book is constant, but each chapter (spirit) is like your different lifetimes or reincarnations. They may be connected or completely separate depending if the details in one chapter bleed over into the next chapter. This is the same way in which anything we may not have solved in this lifetime may follow us into our next lifetime. This concept is reflected within the principle of karma.

  • Yes, there is an afterlife, and it is described as a “journey to peace” by my spirit guides.

    There are many different descriptions of what the afterlife looks like depending on which school of thought you adopt. The “afterlife” I am familiar with is incredibly fluid and allows opportunities for healing and growth in between lifetimes. Some spirits stay in this fluid healing space longer than others, while some reincarnate quickly into their next life. The spirits often show me this when they speak of their death and if their spirit is at peace from that lifetime.

    The spiritual world holds far less physical boundaries than human life on earth. So when we die, our souls often reconnect with our other dead loved one’s souls because it is easier to do so. It is my belief that this doesn’t happen in one place labeled “heaven” but rather it happens much more openly within the universe. When our souls are released from our human bodies we get an opportunity to exist freely before reincarnating into a new spirit journey. It is within this space of transition or spiritual freedom that our souls may connect without nearly as many energetic or physical boundaries in the way.

  • This is the most common question I am asked. There are SO many ways to tap into one’s intuition and everyone is different, so my first piece of advice is to find what works best for you. Intuition is all about connection with self, so while it is great to adopt practices from others, the most important thing is to find what aligns best with your energy and purpose. The more you know about yourself and trust yourself, the better relationship you create with your intuition. Below are a handful of things that can be explored in order to strengthen intuition within self:

    Astrological Signs/Chart

    Numerology or Angel Numbers

    Spirit Animals

    Ancestral Work

    Inner Child Work

    Trauma Work

    Dream Work


    Time alone

    Time in nature

    Working with nature (herbs, crystals, etc.)

    Cleanse your body/vessel

    Remove negative influences from your life

    Listen to music that enhances your vibration


“The dead have a lot to say, we just have to be willing to listen.”

— Alina Sofia

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